-Environment Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulation 9, Fifth schedule.
-Any facilities including the effluent collection system, designed and constructed for the purpose of reducing the potentioal of the industrial effluent or mixed effluent to cause pollution.
-Industrial effluent means any waste in the form of liquid or wastewater generated from manufacturing process including the treatment of water for water supply or any activity occuring at any industrial premises.
-Physical -Chemical process which consist of following operation units.
-1.Transfer sump 2.pH adjusment/coagulation tank3.Retention tank4.Flocculation tanks5.Clarifier sump 6.Filter press.
-Chemical used in the system;
1.Liquid Aluminium Chloride (PAC) 10%-primary coagulant
2.Liquid Natrium Hydroxide/Caustic Soda 50% -pH stabilizer
3.DIAFLOC -polymer flocculant